Piqqem Today, Beat 'Em Tomorrow

Equity markets run on information -- the more you know about a stock, the higher your likelihood of making a wise investment.

But the market also runs on perception. Stock prices move up and down based not so much on business fundamentals but on the forecasts investors make about the future. We're all betting on what the business will do tomorrow, not what they did yesterday -- because past accomplishments are already priced into the stock. The face-price of a stock shifts based on what the whole group of investors playing the market generally agrees is the likely future value of the underlying company.

And that's where Piqqem comes in.

At Piqqem, the crowd of members represents the crowd of investors. By combining the sentiments of all our Piqqers, we're able to get a read on what the aggregated expectations are for a given equity -- and be ready to pounce when a market opportunity raises its head.

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